- IQF Blueberry
- IQF Raspberry (whole, crumbles, whole and broken), and raspberry block-frozen
- IQF Strawberry (whole, originally frozen or cleansed), and strawberry block – pressware
- IQF Sour cherry (whole – without stones / with stones), and sourcherry pressware and precooled in cisterns
- IQF Blackberry (confiture), and blackberry puree and block–pressware
- IQF Apricot (halves hand cut, dices)
- IQF Apple (dices 10x10mm and slices)
- IQF Plum (with stones – originally frozen or cleansed, hand-cut halves, machine-cut halves and cubes), and plum roller pitted, block-frozen
- IQF Rosehip
- IQF Red currant
- IQF Black currant
- IQF Lingonberry